The Department of Environmental Sciences is an academic department in the College of Arts and Sciences, offering instruction and conducting research in the areas of Ecology, Geosciences, Hydrology, and Atmospheric Sciences. This unique juxtaposition of several sciences in one Department fosters cooperation and exchange among traditional disciplines that share similar methodological and philosophical problems.The research endeavors of both faculty and graduate students, whether disciplinary or interdisciplinary,deal largely with problems of fundamental scientific interest and to a lesser extent with applied science, management or policy making.
Ecology | Geosciences | Hydrology | Atmospheric Sciences |
In addition to a full undergraduate program, the Department offers graduate degree programs leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy, emphasizing basic research of a disciplinary or interdisciplinary nature. The faculty offers a wide range of graduate courses in the above areas, as well as several weekly seminars featuring invited speakers. In addition, the Fred Holmsley Moore lectures bring distinguished speakers to the Department to lecture on issues of broad environmental concern. Students have the opportunity of pursuing their own research questions or participating in faculty research programs.
Environmental Sciences is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the interaction of processes that shape our natural environment. The Environmental Sciences major provides strong preparation for (1) employment in natural resource fields through liberal arts science training; (2) professional schools through a focus on the reasoning, analysis and management skills that involve natural processes; and (3) graduate school in one of the disciplines through its in-depth training in theory and method.
The department of Environmental Sciences, located in Clark Hall, offers core courses in ecology, geosciences, hydrology,and atmospheric sciences as well as liberal arts, science writing, pre-professional, and methodology classes. To complement a strong curriculum the department sponsors the Environmental Sciences Organization (ESO), a majors seminar, and research opportunities. The ESO schedules activities including academic advising sessions, lectures, career talks, receptions, field trips, and parties. The one credit majors seminar introduces the University community to issues and career opportunities in Environmental Sciences. The department encourages all majors to explore opportunities to work with the faculty and graduate students on projects.
For students interested in the Environmental Sciences undergraduate program or in our graduate program, information is available from our Prospective Students web page. Students interested in the major are encouraged to schedule an appointment with one of the faculty members. Students seeking an undergraduate advisor should contact Prof. Robert Davis. All Environmental Sciences students interested in career opportunities, summer placements, and academic funding should consult the bulletin boards and literature outside the main office, Clark 111. Telephone: