William C. Keene
Pollutant emissions are significantly altering the chemical composition of the atmosphere and its impacts on other earth systems. My research focuses on resolving fundamental chemical and physical processes in the troposphere and differentiating anthropogenic and natural influences. I am specifically interested in multiphase chemistry involving gases, aerosols, cloud droplets, and precipitation; oxidation processes; the impact of aerosols on the earth’s radiation balance and climate; biogeochemical interactions between ecosystems and the atmosphere; and the development of associated measurement techniques. I currently participate in several multi-institutional field programs in which atmospheric chemical constituents are measured at surface sites over long periods (years) and from ships and aircraft during shorter term (weeks) intensive campaigns. Data are interpreted using air-mass trajectories, various statistical techniques, and photochemical models.
- Global impact of nitrate photolysis in sea-salt aerosol on NOx, OH, and O3 in the marine boundary layer
2018; Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics; Kasibhatla, P. | Sherwen, T. | Evans, M.J. | Carpenter, L.J. | Reed, C. |... - Factors That Modulate Properties of Primary Marine Aerosol Generated From Ambient Seawater on Ships at Sea
2017; Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres; Keene, W.C. | Long, M.S. | Reid, J.S. | Frossard, A.A. | Kieber, D.J. |... - Observation- and model-based estimates of particulate dry nitrogen deposition to the oceans
2017; Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics; Baker, A.R. | Kanakidou, M. | Altieri, K.E. | Daskalakis, N. | Okin, G.S. |... - Simulating the phase partitioning of NH3, HNO3, and HCl with size-resolved particles over northern Colorado in winter
2016; Atmospheric Environment; Kelly, J.T. | Baker, K.R. | Nolte, C.G. | Napelenok, S.L. | Keene, W.C. |... - Coupled ocean-atmosphere loss of marine refractory dissolved organic carbon
2016; Geophysical Research Letters; Kieber, D.J. | Keene, W.C. | Frossard, A.A. | Long, M.S. | Maben, J.R. |... - Global oceanic emission of ammonia: Constraints from seawater and atmospheric observations
2015; Global Biogeochemical Cycles; Paulot, F. | Jacob, D.J. | Johnson, M.T. | Bell, T.G. | Baker, A.R. |... - Origins of aerosol chlorine during winter over north central Colorado, USA
2015; Journal of Geophysical Research; Jordan, C.E. | Pszenny, A.A.P. | Keene, W.C. | Cooper, O.R. | Deegan, B. |... - Atmospheric wet deposition in remote regions: Benchmarks for environmental change
2015; Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences; Keene, W.C. | Galloway, J.N. | Likens, G.E. | Deviney, F.A. | Mikkelsen, K.N. |... - Long-term trends in aerosol and precipitation composition over the western North Atlantic Ocean at Bermuda
2014; Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics; Keene, W.C. | Moody, J.L. | Galloway, J.N. | Prospero, J.M. | Cooper, O.R. |... - Comparison of surface and column measurements of aerosol scattering properties over the western North Atlantic Ocean at Bermuda
2014; Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics; Aryal, R.P. | Voss, K.J. | Terman, P.A. | Keene, W.C. | Moody, J.L. |...