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Karen McGlathery

Sherrell J. Aston Professor

My research group focuses on the dynamics of ecosystem change in shallow coastal systems, and the roles of climate, nutrient over-enrichment and species invasions on driving these changes. Current projects include: 1) Blue carbon sequestration in seagrass ecosystems, 2) Seagrass restoration and return of ecosystem services, 3) salt marsh resilience to sea-level rise, 4) ecosystem regime shifts in coastal barrier systems, and 5) impacts of invasive macro algae (Gracilaria). I am the lead PI of the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project on Virginia’s eastern shore, and the Director of UVA’s Environmental Resilience Institute.



Global Coastal Change (EVSC 4140)
A comprehensive treatment of global environmental factors affecting coastal marine systems, including climate change, sea-level rise, alterations in freshwater and sediment transport, disturbance and habitat loss, overfishing, alien species, and eutrophication. Includes case studies providing real-world examples, and detailed reviews of the evidence of changes and possible solutions.

Estuarine Ecology (EVEC 4110)
An interdisciplinary course covering the physical, biogeochemical and ecological aspects of coastal estuaries.

Research Area